Monday, June 25, 2012

As for me, I TRUST IN YOU, O Lord. I say, "You are my God." MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND.
NKJV (emphasis mine)  

Praying about God’s guidance for my future, the answer I received was that I should go to Florida to take care of my parents, especially my dad, but it wouldn’t be for long. My mother was determined not to put my father in a nursing home, but my dad’s dementia had reached a point where he required 24/7 supervision, and she could no longer take care of him alone.

Mom was too proud to tell me or ask for help, but she was visibly relieved when I made the decision to quit my job and follow God’s leading. And, as a widow and only child, I felt it my duty to stay on with my mother when my dad died. I knew firsthand how hard the first year after the death of a mate can be.

Four years have now past, and during that time I’ve had periods of depression and frustration about the “it wouldn’t be for long” part of God’s direction. Elder care is tough, no matter how much you love the one you’re taking care of. Like many caregivers, I have days when I long to run away; get on with my life.

Psalms 31:14-15 has been my anchor during this time.

I’ve always been a run-and-gun gal who could make her own way and make things happen. Sometimes I think of this period of my life as “house arrest,” but, being still, I have reached an even deeper relationship to my Lord. I’ve learned to trust that the Great I Am sees me and is working all things for my good; that I can have hope and a future. Obedience and trust are hard lessons but valuable ones.

Not only has God used this period to enhance my spiritual growth, but I’ve discovered a talent that I did not know I had. Being still led me to writing as an escape hatch, and I've had the opportunity to use my penchant for comedy to entertain and teach. Author and Christian comedian: two careers that I never considered before. My life is not over. 

The lesson in all this is that no matter what the circumstances of your life, no matter the sacrifices you are called on to make, an All-Powerful God loves you and wants to mold you and help you grow in the things that are really important.

The hard places draw us to God because we can no longer depend completely on ourselves. Along with spiritual growth, he gives us the gift of his love, a promise to be with us, and reasons to look back and thank him for the hard places. Be obedient and trust him even when the circumstances look impossible and never-ending.

My prayer: Father, help me to be patient and trust your will and your timing in my life.

—Sharon Russell
    Port St. Lucie, Florida

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, it's encouraging to hear of someone having the heart of faithfulness required to make this hard decision, follow through with caring for your family, and listen to God throughout. Thank you for being willing to tell your story.
